Find out what was added and updated with the latest releases of Magic Palette
Added Auto-Center on Import
Viewport Improvements
Crushed Bugs
Fixed land cutoff when not centered
Fixed wrong land size calculations
Vox Importer: Improved automation for a smoother import process
Vox Importer: Relaxed guidelines for increased flexibility
Streamlined user workflow
Crushed Bugs
Exporter: Fixed regression bug on Generator, .lpk and .schem
Generator: It will now generate a flat land as default rather than noise-based
Importer: .lpk extension is now optional
Importer: It will now display a message for missing blocks and also provide a txt file
Crushed Bugs
Fixed Exporter regression bug
General Stability Update
Updated Vox Importer
Fixed Regression bug: Fixed a bug that prevents the generator from using its own palette.
Fixed LPK Update: Fixed a bug where the lpk file fails in GameMaker.
Updated File processor: Made some Tweak and adjustments to the File processor.
Updated Resource Downloader: The resource downloader will now run in sequence.
Removed unused LPK file structure.
Other Stability and performance improvements
New Features
Direct Minecraft .schem files import option
Undo/Redo Support on the Block swapping (Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + Y)
Improved Viewport Controls: Panning, Zooming and Selecting have been updated to improve responsiveness
Improved Mesher: The voxel to mesh generator has been improved
Other stability Improvements
Crushed Bugs
Minor bug fixes and UI adjustments
Block textures on the viewport and the sidebar menu are now correctly oriented.
The Generator's 3d terrain generation is improved. It was causing some gameplay issues on the map because some of the generated terrain interfered with the map structures.
Reduced load times and performance improvements
Crushed Bugs
The palette gets cleared now when switching from a loaded .vox to the level generator
Fixed missing blocks in the database that caused errors when MP auto-assigning blocks for a loaded .vox
New Features
Multi_LAND Support: Load any voxel model into Magic Palette and get it converted automagically to LANDs
Now supports up to a 2x2 LAND or a maximum voxel model size of 192x192x128
A 1x1, 2x1 or 2x2 LAND will be created based on your voxel model size
No more splitting voxel models into 1x1 LANDs chunks and arranging them manually
Vox file names no longer need to follow specific naming conventions.
New Features
Block selector directly in the viewport
Live pallet swapping
New loading screen / BLOCK data loading separated
New Blocks/Genres/Styles
Sandstone Set (42 Blocks)
Teal Stone Set (42 Blocks)
Smoldering Ashes Theme
Ancient Egypt Theme
Artic Ice Theme
Crushed Bugs
Removed Orbit cube overlay on the side panel
Fixed viewport zoom while scrolling the BLOCK collection in the side panel
Generator minimap flipped and correctly oriented
BLOCK texture display error fixed that caused stretched textures
Last updated